Friday, October 28, 2016

A Simple Explanation of ITIL from CompuCom

Information Technology is no longer a mere interesting subject, but an integrated part of our lives.  Business Organizations spend millions of dollars in managing their IT Assets.  There are organizations with the whole purpose of providing management services to other organizations in managing their IT Assets.  In the world of IT Services Management, Information Technology Infrastructure Library, more commonly known as ITIL is a subject that simply cannot be ignored.

I will share my thoughts on ITIL and implementation of ITIL in different posts in this blog.  For the time being, as a start, I thought this video by CompuCom titled "ITIL - A Simple Explanation" would be an interesting watch for anyone interested in IT Services Management.

The video uses a restaurant as a background scenario to explain the core concepts of ITIL in a simple, and jargon free manner.  Hope you enjoy this and share your thoughts with the original owner of the Video in YouTube, or leave them in the Comments section below.

Disclaimer: I have no affiliation what so ever with CompuCom, or in an agreement financially beneficial to me or otherwise with them in sharing this video.  It is shared solely for the educational purposes only.